Monday, March 2, 2015

Honest Truth About High School

Is high school all that I expected? No, not in the least - besides the fact grades count. Well first off technically I'm still in junior high due to the over crowding at the actual high school. On the other hand, this is my freshman year, truth is the difference from 8th-9th felt like nothing besides the fact I can play high school sports and take harder classes that can end up wrecking havoc on your GPA. Want to know more? Read below...

1. In at least every one of my classes a kid falls sound asleep. Over the years kids have learned many tricks to make you look like you're paying attention, but really you are taking a nice nap. One of the ways is to put your backpack on the desk and hide from your eyes down behind it. Another way is to just simply lay you're head down or turned away from the teacher and take a quick snooze. If teachers actually wanted us to focus on learning they should consider starting school later. Seven am is just too early and creates a whole school full of the walking dead until around fourth period when we all start to get rowdy.  

2. Some teachers would rather talk about beauty products and fashion then continuing on with the lesson... I'm not exactly complaining because it is nice to have a break every once and a while, but they shouldn't expect us to score extremely well on times like this considering we didn't learn the material. Some teachers will teach  but only have us take around four pages of notes every class... and going back to #1, many of these classes I have literally had to hold my eyes open because there is only an endless powerpoint to stare at. Many people take a nice long nap during this class, and the teacher just laughs and continues to "teach"... a.k.a reading size 14 words off of a powerpoint. Again they expect us to learn this way... I guess some kids do but others, like me,  do not learn that way.

3. If you ever even considered that high school was anything like movies then you're most defiantly wrong!  We technically aren't allowed to go off campus,  who's enforcing the rules at PCHS because almost every student that can drive will leave during lunch. Maybe the fact our "healthy" school lunches taste like sh*t and are anything but healthy. The only thing about lunches that will ever change is the portion size. WARNING: if you are able to bounce the cheese like a rubber ball, then it is most likely fake or genetically modified to be cheap. Heres the disclaimer, I have only had experience in Park City schools but maybe the food is better in other schools around the world...

4. In one of my classes we learn by games and easy to take notes... but these aren't just any kind of games. We are talking "extreme" buzzer game, chair game, row game, and many more! Our teacher brings learning to a whole new level. You can't win if you don't know the material, so we all study and bring our A game the next day. If you haven't played the chair game, you're missing out. We are talking full on sprinting and shoving to get in the chair first and present the right word. (Don't worry the chair is heavily padded) When we play the "extreme" buzzer game, we do cartwheels and crawl so hit the plastic buzzer first. This class is what I call learning, we are challenged in an extreme way but  I end up learning a lot, perhaps this way of learning through games and fun works for me!

5.  Another exciting way of learning is being able to scream insults at each other in Shakespearean language. Not only calling each other nasty names, but creating cheers and doing 360's off desks. If you have ever been allowed to do that in a class room let me know...? Also I pretty sure you didn't know how to flip someone off back in Shakespeare's time. HINT: you bite your thumb at the person you despise. Secretly we are being taught to understand Shakespeare's way of speaking, but  no one really knows that part.

6. When a teacher has taught your dad and all of his siblings and is currently your teacher you know this may turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing. Well, it turns out my dad caused her grey hair and now she holds a grudge.   mean after 20-30 years don't you think your  teacher would forget about an annoying student? Nope, apparently the worst and the best students remain in a teachers brain, in this case it was a bad thing.   Thanks SO MUCH dad!  The teacher  could tell me every single detail about my father, who happened to be one of the most challenging students she had ever taught.  This teacher sounds like one of the people on a smoking commercial... she is short and scary. When we are assigned to a recipe in the kitchens, she makes it so stressful that a kid could break into tears at any moment. I'm almost 100% sure that cooking should be stress free and fun. Wow. I am really good at being wrong. Foods #1 with Mac can be one of  my most stressful classes of the day, and I am taking honors classes with sh*tloads of homework every other day.

7. In the movie "Mean Girls" it shows many different cliques that in one way or another get bullied by the three or to be four "Mean Girls". Turns out that doesn't happen so much in high school, The cliques sort of disappear to an extent and there aren't names for social groups... As a kid I was convinced that in high school there would be cliques of girls that ruled the school and everyone bowed down to them. Hey look, I am wrong again. The only borders between social groups is basically sporty girls/guys and non sporty or "nerdy" kids. I mean,  the variety of different students and all the different ways of doing things is huge.

8. HOMEWORK OVERLOAD! I'm not exactly sure if it is just because I take honors classes or the fact I complain to much but I'm pretty sure when you have to spend over 3 hours doing homework each night there is too much. I wouldn't consider myself a winer, but along with many others I highly disagree with the amount of studying and homework I am stuck with each night. When you play sports and don't get home till late (11-12ish) and you still have a mountain  of homework due the next day, your life sucks. I'll admit to being a bit of a procrastinator, but it's not like I'm going to devote my whole life to homework.... isn't high school supposed to be fun and filled with friends? So far I have had to stress almost every night on what is due the next day or even worse finals. I wouldn't say I am a bad student, but more on the keeping an even keel and balancing social life//homework//test//sports etc.

9. The absolute worst feeling in the world is staying up till 2-3am and then hearing your alarm go off while its still dark outside. In my opinion, the schools need to realize the average teenager will not go to sleep before 11pm and dreads the idea of getting up at 5:45-6am. You want us all to stay in school right? SHORTEN THE PERIODS AND GIVE US ANOTHER HOUR OF SLEEP. Many of the people I talk to have tons of tardys and first period absences. We need sleep, desperately and the weekends if not spent getting up early for 7am games, sleeping in till 11am at least. I get Park Cities theory of letting kids start early and get out early but it takes a toll on the  kids, by fourth quarter I know for a fact we are all the walking dead.

10. I guess this is the last one so I better make it count. High School encourages the lower classmen to socialize with upper classman. Personally, this is my favorite part about high school, the fact we get to meet so many new people with all this experience. If you haven't had the chance to yet, become friends with some of the older grades, they can help you a lot with homework and social situations considering the fact they have already gone through what you are. Many freshman are nervous to talk to upper classman, but to be honest they are 1000x better then half the people in your grade. It could be the fact hey have had more time to mature, or they could just be nicer people in general. I know for a fact that some of my best friends are upper classmen and I can trust more of them then people in my own grade, which kind of sucks considering that you will be stuck with your grade during senior year. By then you will have time to create inseparable friendships with some lower classman.

Here's my advice:
Survive high school... you can do anything.

                                                       Photo: PCHS halls at rush hour

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