Sunday, March 15, 2015

What is your Zodiac sign? Part #1

Lately I have been reading a little bit on Zodiac signs and I find them to be very interesting... sometimes even crazy accurate. So I thought that I would do even more research so that you guys could easily find out your very own zodiac sign! So here you go:)

Aries (March 21- April 19)

Description: The Aries sign represents a big horned sheep, it can also be described with fire. On some occasions the people born into Aries are adventurous, active, out going, and feisty. Aries are generally always active, never run out of energy and usually very naive. "although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times. No matter what upheaval, challenge or triumph they confront - an Aries has a wonderful ability to bounce back. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship." One of the many things Aries bring to the world is wonderful visions and may creative thoughts that later in life become very useful either in jobs or just simply for fun. Many of the famous athletes have been born into this zodiac sign, not all of them but many. This means they have a inner competitiveness and enjoy running around. Unfortunately, when it comes to their love life... they are not easy to keep, nor impress only the best of the best guys even get a shot with them. Overall the Aries people are generally interesting and defiantly the most fun people at parties! 

(April 20- May 20)

Description:Underneath their cool, calm and calm moods,  Taureans are greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly separate themselves away from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being very social. They usually don't let others get to close, and generally only invite themselves to get closer if you hint towards it first. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a them is almost impossible because 99% of the time they would enjoy themselves more if you didn't talked to them, others say it is rather similar to talking to a concrete wall, they simply won't budge nor answer.  Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. This is probably your average kid at school who sits alone, prefers to read a book quietly rather than going to a shopping mall with friends.

Gemini(May 21 - June 20)

Description: Most of the time, this zodiac sign represents twins, the original star was called Zeus's messenger. Generally these people are often very intelligent and enjoy writing.In Astrology, Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac, which in simple terms means that they barely get half a breath in between sentences. This people usually can talk for hours straight  never loosing energy, some other zodiac signs get annoyed with this people often. "These Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages." In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis enjoy it or not, people are usually are "talking about them". Along beside Scorpio and Virgos, they usually are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac signs. Sometimes this can be a form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives filled with amazing memories along with not so great experiences.  The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large. Concluding, these people tend to be very interesting and fun to hang with depending on who the people are...

Cancer(June 21 - July 22)

Description: Here, we have the moodiest zodiac of them all...although they can be very sweet and compassionate they also have a very nasty side that would easily turn around and stab you in the back. "Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special..." Another thing about the cancers, are they are the zodiac sign most attracted to love, these guys take over seriously and when let down will possibly go into depression. Nobody get more upset with love then this silly gooses.

Leo(July 23 - August 22)

Description: This Zodiac sign is filled with love and compassion, no matter how hard the storm hits or how bad their day is they figure out though to make the best of it with a positive attitude. Much like lions, Leo's are very caring and committed when it comes to relationships. Once you have earned their trust they will be loyal and faithful until the day they die to you, but if you dare break their heart they will never forget nor forgive you for what you said or did. For Leo's when a relationship is over, its over, and if it is because of them they will always have a very good reason for doing what they did for good. "There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others, and can't bear to ever be alone."

Virgo(August 23- September 22)

Description: Virgos are usually described as fussy, stubborn minded, dismissive, sassy, but when it comes to revealing their inner light no zodiac sign can quite match theirs. When a Virgo is very confident about themselves they are very confident and no one can compete with them, they are usually the best at what they do! Even though they are strong-minded, they are very successful many become doctors, professors, welfare work... this is mainly because they like to help others out with their difficulties. Secretly they are somewhat sensitive and only show this side of them with the people they are most comfortable with. "One of the most magical characteristics of the Virgo is no matter how many times life or romance turns sour on them, they still manage to maintain faith in others, refusing to become cynical. There is ingenuity around this sign, a kind-heartedness, which unfortunately is sometimes played upon by others for their advantage. Virgos can often become victims of relationship power-games, where they are mistreated. "

Find out more soon... Part 2 is on its way :)

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