Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Do You See What Eye See

Eyes, "the window to our soul." I'm guessing that eyes must be pretty interesting considering the fact they have all these fancy quotes. When I look at a person, automatically my attention will be directed to their eyes. (Not just because it is the polite thing to do when speaking to another) People who have beautiful, intriguing eyes are usually in my opinion more physically attractive, eyes really do define a person to some extent. If someone has bad vision they will most likely be squinting, as someone who is sad might have a watery eyes, if you're tired your eyes might be bloodshot, if you're in love they might be focused on on person, ect. Someone's eyes are usually the first impression, whether you catch someones eye in public or lock eyes with an opponent, automatically you would be able to have an opinion about that person.

Eyes caked in makeup vs. all natural eyes?
It really depends on your opinion, but from my point of view an eye that is left alone to present its own beauty sparkles more then the 1 pound of glitter on another eye. Makeup is a way to hide your flaws which were given to you for a reason, nobody is perfect and by caking yourself with makeup you are correctly the flaws that make each individual special in their own way. If everyone was flawless then there would be hardly a variety of people, a flaw may be seen as a negative from ones perspective but to others it defines you as a person. When someone decides to wear no makeup they shouldn't be judged, they have the courage to display their flaws while others choose to hide them. Eyes that are left alone are pure beauty, eyes that are caked in makeup are beautiful too, just in a different way. 

Photos: Tumblr

Eyes can come in all different types of colors, shapes ect. Brown eyes are a dominant trait, blue and green eyes are a recessive trait. This can be defined as the brown overrules blue in a genetic showdown. In other words, every offspring has two alleles, one from each parent. So lets say that we use an A to represent our eye color, if one were to have two big A's (AA), it means the they have brown eyes because brown is the dominant trait, and if someone were to have two little a's (aa), it would mean they had blue/green eyes, this is because blue/green eyes are recessive. If someone were to have a big A and a little a (Aa), it would mean they would have brown eyes, because the big A is dominate to the little a, meaning brown takes over the blue/green due to the fact brown is the dominant trait. Lets say that your dad was "AA", and your mom was "aa", you would positively have brown eyes because your dad has two big A's. Now if your dad were to have "Aa", and your mom still had "aa", you could have a chance of receiving blue/green eyes. If both of your parents had "aa", you would definitely have blue or green eyes. It is possible that two brown eyed parents can have blue or green eyed kids, because if both parents have "Aa", it means they both have brown eyes because of the big A, but if their kids receive the little a from both sides they would have blue or green eyes. It is possible for two brown eyed parents to have blue or green eyed children, but it is impossible for two blue or green eyed parents to have a brown eyed kids. Eyes are very complicated, even with the newest technology we have, eyes are somewhat mysterious. So if the whole science lesson didn't confuse you enough why don't you go check out this article because I'm sure what they are saying makes a lot more sense then what I had blabbered on about for what seemed like ages.

Photo: Eye science

Since we are talking about eyes, how about we discuss why some people see black/blue and others see white/gold. Depending on the lighting, people may perceive different colors from the same dress. Our eyes are able to assign fixed colors to objects under widely different lighting conditions. This ability is called color constancy. But the photograph doesn’t give many clues about the ambient light in the room. Is the background bright and the dress in shadow? Or is the whole room bright and all the colors are washed out? Different people may pick up on different visual cues in the image, which can change how they interpret and name the colors. Articles have proven the dress to be blue/black but depending on the amount of dark lighting/ light people may interoperate the dresses' colors differently. Why did this cause such a big uproar? People were frustrated with not being ale to see the same color as someone else or the fact that everyone freaked out over the actual color. Who knew one crappy photo might turn into many science articles and people talking for ages on what the true color of the dress is.

Photo: New York Times

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