Thursday, January 15, 2015

Is It Possible To Be To Social?

Heres the latest status update: 

Top social media apps I use:

#1- Instagram, basically you post a picture/video then write a comment, then you wait to see how many likes you get.

#2- Snapchat, in my moms opinion it is very dumb to sent ugly pictures back and fourth to your friends. In my words it is a quick, fun, and easy way to get in contact with your friends directly.

#3- Tumblr- You can share or "repost" someone else photo onto your page, other kids may use tumblr as an adjective. Example "wow you're outfit is so tumblr!" This means that it is hipster and very stylish.

#4- Twitter- Word limit. Make it short. Shorter. You're most random thoughts. Stalk famous people. Tweet about your worst. Best day. Sick day. Make internet friends. This. Will. Annoy. My. English. Teacher. Sorry Mr. Parker. Theres a word limit on twitter.  -8/140

#5- VINE- Possibly the funniest app for dumb videos it is "very cool, very swag, I like it" ~ James White. Vine is an app where you make a six second video that is usually a "fail", remake, or just plain old out of the blue stuff! As I like to say "shit people think are funny"

#6- Facebook- So as you might know, Facebook is sort of heading down towards the "lame app" category and not many people use it now that Instagram does everything Facebook can. It is a place where you share photos and videos, just no time limit on the video.

#7- Basically, a site where anions can hate on you but you know "haters gonna hate." It is a site that allows people to ask you questions either on anon or with their name tag. The questions usually consist of Tbh, rates, or kiss/diss, in my opinion that is very dumb.

Okay, so there was my top seven social media apps. Why only seven mainly because I was to lazy to type up anymore of them but also all the other social media apps just aren't that popular. I chose these seven because I use them everyday to see whats going on around the world and look at pictures or videos of Zach Efron. The social media is becoming a dangerous place for teens, they are exposing themselves to the world before they are mature enough o understand that once an image is out there it never goes away. The hate that comes off of really catches my attention because it could be any one in our school that is a normal person that is able to disguise himself/herself behind computer screen.

I sit on my phone everyday for a good amount of time, I know I could have done homework in that time. Some teens are so focused on being the best they can be on the internet that they forget to come back to reality, where there are tests and grades that last a lifetime. Some people drop out of school to take online school, technically you aren't getting the same details a teacher would bring up in a lesson and go into details that the computer doesn't have planned. The classroom environment is good for you because it is very dynamic and kids learn from each other and are able to develop social skills at the same time. My mom always screams at me to get off my phone, I admit it. I spend more time than I should.


It wasn't all that long ago that people didn't have a computer in their own homes. A generation ago, computers were virtually unheard of and the internet didn't even exist for the average person. Now a days, computers are in almost every home, as well as many schools, giving kids access to technology they've never heard of before. This is a useful tool although it can lead to bullying and other issues that may have a negative impact on life. For this reason, it is necessary for parents to fully understand what their children are doing online to protect them from harm and can help them handle any issues that come their way.  You simply can't put all the blame on the computers because the computers aren't programed to make people feel awful. It's the person hiding behind the screen that intends for their victim to hurt, the I-Phone can't hurt you, the social media apps can't either, but the person who decides its funny to see you in pain or make you look stupid; they are the ones who hurt you the most.


Social media may play a part of the bullying, but it is the victim who should block or report them. Or you could just simply delete the app, the victims need to start playing their part in standing up to the bully. The bully has no fun if you don't care what they say or if you can stand up to their face and explain how awful they are and need to stop. It just takes one short talk to explain to the bully that they are taking it to far and will get reported if they continue. If they threaten you again, then just tell someone you trust that he/she threatened you. We blame social media. Phones. Computers. We simply have new technology that makes bullying more common. Or is it just more noticeable since we can send the messages of bullying worldwide.

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