Wednesday, May 6, 2015

And We Begin The Home Stretch...

So here we are.  Final weeks of school. Up to the moon in Homework. So as a high school student I am required to get good grades to get into good colleges! So that means working my but off to achieve the "perfect" GPA, I mean my average GPA is a 3.7 but some kids are able to hold a 4.0 every quarter... Kudos to them! So before I vanish into a world of homework I thought I would give you a few tips on how to study and pass a test!

1. Depending on what you are studying for... Create a study guide outlining what concepts you have to master and make sure to organize your information !

2.If you have the time and you're confused, ask questions... preferably the teacher who is giving you the final but if you have a friend or parent that knows the material really well I advise asking them many questions so you can be as confident as possible going into the test.

3. If the teacher offers a review session, MAKE SURE TO ATTEND, going back to #2... this would be the perfect time to clarify all your questions. Usually, the teacher will either do an in class review or even a before/after school review!

4. Don't cram in your studying, start early. Learn the material miles before the test so you have time to nail all the key concepts, eventually this will make it much easier to ace the final. DO NOT leave the studying till the night before at 11 pm, I have done it. It doesn't work. At all. So study early, maybe even weeks before!

5. If you have friends that enjoy studying together, organize  a group study session! That way you can have fun with friends, while drilling in the information into each others heads!

6. DO NOT study for a whole day straight, make sure to take breaks and give your poor brain a breather. Otherwise the constant studying will have no effect, breaks are necessary while studying! 

7. Split the material into bits, that way you gain a little more knowledge every day. Splitting the material into chucks you can actually achieve can be very beneficial. That way, you can keep track of what you’ve accomplished instead of looking at the big picture and getting overwhelmed.

8. Get a good nights sleep, don't stay up till the crack of dawn studying. Make sure to get a lot of sleep, and limit the late night cramming sessions! A full night's sleep will help you to stay much more focused during the test.

9. Keep an open mind, Some exams will be more difficult than others, some you may find easier to study for. Some may be worth more of your grade than others. Make sure to evaluate all of your exams to consider and determine all of the involved factors so you can study accordingly.

10. It’s easier to focus if you adapt to studying by quizzing yourself, creating acronyms or rewarding yourself for a job well done. Create a game plan – literally – that allows you to accomplish tasks and be rewarded for each.
For example, why not reward yourself with a piece of chocolate or a sip of your coffee after you’ve accomplished a new chapter or allow yourself five minutes of free time for every chunk of material you digest?
You can even add in fun factors like power-ups every time you learn a new definition and lose a life, which means you add another definition to your list, when you get an answer wrong!

Overall, you need to make sure you re staying healthy and don't stress too much over the tests, it won't be the end of you life if you bomb it. But if you follow the steps I just listed, you are guaranteed a better outcome!

Photos: Google Images

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